Thursday, July 1, 2021

A trip to the museum: Term 2 week 9

On Monday the 28th of June Room 2 went on a trip to the museum. We all went outside of the hall and waited for Mrs Thomas to come. when we saw her, we all started to rush to the vans and all the girls and 1 boy went on the small van and the boys went on the big van.when we arrived to the museum we all walked up the stairs and when we got to the top of the stairs we went to a room where we can eat before we go in to the museum.after our eating time this guy name Aaron took us up stairs and took us to this place were he told us what started World War 1 and during the war.after he explain everything we all split into group and my group was with mr saa. we went to the volcano place and there was a house that look so so suspicious when I went inside the house it look so fake but it was a example of a earthquake.we explored the museum and the fun part was when we got to go through the city and after that we all went to mac Donald and Mrs haioti gave all of us a frozen coke and I was very happy.I just remember that I had 5 dollars in my pocket so i went to buy my friends a hot chocolate and then we went back to school and finished the day with sidelines.


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