Thursday, April 8, 2021

how to use a venn diagram: Term 1 week 10

how to use a venn diagram

1.draw two big circle's connecting to each other

2.write down two topics on top of the two circle's so they can compare each other for an example:lion and cheetah.

3.For an example: write down inside the circle's facts about each animal then when you are done write in the middle of the the 2 circle's whats the same about them. 

Venn Diagram Maker | Lucidchart

This is what a Venn diagram :


Science: The Ice ball experiment

 On Wednesday afternoon we had two ice ball's in each sink,we had to buddy up with each other and my partner was Smolley. Mrs haioti told us to take the balloon and what I then was just to put water on popped and Smolley put food coloring on the ice ball and after the food coloring started to bleed into the ice ball.I put salt first and after the salt started to look like crystals on the ice ball.smolley started to put baking powder and the ice ball made the baking powder hard.after Mrs haioti took a video of us throwing the ice balls all ball video